Thursday, June 5, 2014

Max King's Running Tip of the Month - June 2014

The following article was written by Max King and originally printed in The Footzone Bend's May e-mail newsletter.  Reprinted with permission from The Footzone Bend and +Max King.  

If you're like me, you probably get pretty bored doing the same route every day, same long run every weekend. This month I'm going to put out a challenge to find or explore something new each week in June. It can be something simple like a trail you see every day on your normal run but have never taken, or a completely new area of the state that you explore on a family vacation. Whatever it is, make it something fun that you haven't done in a while or ever.

Jeff Browning (left) and Max King (right) at the 2011 Flagline 50k

The beauty of this time of year is that almost a quarter of the state becomes accessible again with the snow melting and opening up new trails and roads we haven't been on in at least 8 months. We take vacations to different places where getting out for a run might be daunting by not knowing the area, but that's half the fun, just make sure you can get back.

It's so easy to reinvigorate your running with some simple changes to your daily routine. So get out there, mark your calendar if you need to, and go do something different. Explore!

- - Max King

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